A Blog of Random Thoughts

Sunday, May 23, 2010

How to De-Dorkify Yourself

I am a smart person. So, as people probably haven't guessed, I'm not talking about the kind of dork you all are thinking of. Not the suspender-wearing, pocket-protecting sniffling kind you see in movies. No, I'm talking about the biggest dorks of the century. The "populars".
In fact, these people don't even deserve to be called popular. See, I'll look up the definition of Popular right now:
pop-u-lar; adjective:: regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general.

Are the "populars" really popular? I think not. In fact, more than half of all middle school students LOATH them. OK, I think we can all admit, even though we hate their guts through and through, that a little part of us would die to be besties with them. So here is a tip if you are one of those Gucci-wearing girls blowing kisses to cute guys and shopping at places most people can't afford, here are a few tips.
It's totally OK to be that kind of person with that certain lifestyle, but don't overdo it. Don't be mean to people who aren't like you. DON'T GET CAUGHT UP IN YOURSELF.
Sure, it's fun to talk about people behind their backs and everything, BUT PEOPLE ARE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK. Hurting people's feelings makes you the biggest dork on the planet.

Take my advice. School is a democracy. Don't turn it into a mini World War II.