A Blog of Random Thoughts

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pop Stars of the Late

So, you have all heard of all the new pop stars that everyone is "supposedly" obsessed with, right? Like how Justin Bieber had to cancel his concert in Australia because the screaming girls were fighting the police and they got concerned for everyone's saftey- this is the sad, sad truth about being a pop star and having your life laid out for you. I know the american dream is to be the one you see on TV when you flip through the channels, hearing your song on the radio as you drive. But being the star of everything doesn't come without a price. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING- is free in this messed up world. You don't get to be a normal person. You can't just simply walk to 7/11 to get a Slurpee with your girls or skateboard with the guys in the park. No one will ever leave you alone. You start to envy the people you see walking down the street because they have something that you don't. Pop stars have their humanity taken away from them. Once in, there is no way out. You basically have your life laid out for you at such a young age and if you decide maybe that you want to go back to being a business major or maybe finish college, you can't. If your childhood dream was to go to Prinston, you can't. The world is a dangerous place for you. You can never have any relationships without them being a secret (they cut the kissing scene out of Justin Bieber's Baby music video because they thought it wouldn't get as much publicity cuz girl fans would get jealous). You can't ever lead a normal life again. How sad is that?
So yeah that's what I have to say about pop stars. I, on the other hand, will settle for being a successful writer in a paris cafe (and also a graphic designer thatd be fun too). But the truth is I don't know yet. I don't know what I want to be. And neither, really, do the people who become international stars at a ridiculously young age. The only difference: I actually have a choice.