A Blog of Random Thoughts

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hey yall! Thanks to one of my many super-cool friends, I have figured out a way to get the latest style for a fraction of the price at the store.
Two words: NORDSTROM RACK! Now, most of you are probably thinking right now as you read this 'oh no not there' but trust me. You'd be surprised.
You know that new store (I'm not sure how new it is wherever you live) True Religion? The jeans are super-cute, am I right? But have you checked the prices? $250 BUX for one measly pair of jeans! My favorite pair of jeans that almost everyone compliments were 5 bux.
But leave it to my friend to find a pair at the rack for a fraction of the price! And that's not all. My other friend, who has the cutest messenger bag, says it had a original price of over $400. But she got it for $108!!!! How great are my friends?
So, for all you trend lovers out there who's eyes boggle at store bought prices, head on over to The Rack! You'll be amazed when what you can find!
[Is it ok to advertise other stores online if you like them? Idk. Oh well, what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid who likes to keep her fans updated. Wink wink. ;)]

MATH...Not What You Think

Ok, this may be hard to believe but a writer can be good at math. Like, you have to figure out how you are going to sell things and stuff, right? Well, I may be a super talented writer, but I am no math wiz. Or so I thought.
See, the kind of math I like to do is very unusual. But, despite the stupidity factor, it actually makes a lot of sense. If you have a sense of humor. If you don't, why are you reading my blog? This is despicable.
Here is an example of a problem.

Life equals death. You do the math!
Just another random thought from me!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy..., well, a wimpy movie

So you heard of that new movie, huh? I feel sorry for you. It stunk. So fake.
That's all I have to say about it. Nothing explains it more than ITS A WIMPY MOVIE!

(don't agree with what I said? tell me!)

Guyz- Major UH OH

Face the facts, dorks! Guys can be nice, funny, confusing, jerks; they change with the wind. It is VERY hard to stay just friends with a guy for very long. It's either more than that or nothing. Take it from someone who knows.
Now, I'm not writing this to tell you what a guy does when he likes you, because the truth is- I DONT KNOW. Nobody knows, really, except for the guy himself. A wise man once told me that the worst way to decode a boy is to ask a girl. Smart man, he is.

No, I'm writing to tell you about MY experiences and how you can learn from MY actions. And I ONLY tell you facts that work for all guys. Not what if this and how about that.

So, here it goes.

Fact 1; If you ever meet a guy you like, nothing works more than talking to him. Be polite. Don't go too far too early. Again, take it from someone who had to learn the hard way.

Fact 2; Guys change with age. Testosterone kicks in, if you don't mind me saying. Just go with whatever your heart tells you. If he doesnt like you for you, thats his loss, not yours.

Just another random post from the thoughts of MWA!