A Blog of Random Thoughts

Friday, April 23, 2010

Guyz- Major UH OH

Face the facts, dorks! Guys can be nice, funny, confusing, jerks; they change with the wind. It is VERY hard to stay just friends with a guy for very long. It's either more than that or nothing. Take it from someone who knows.
Now, I'm not writing this to tell you what a guy does when he likes you, because the truth is- I DONT KNOW. Nobody knows, really, except for the guy himself. A wise man once told me that the worst way to decode a boy is to ask a girl. Smart man, he is.

No, I'm writing to tell you about MY experiences and how you can learn from MY actions. And I ONLY tell you facts that work for all guys. Not what if this and how about that.

So, here it goes.

Fact 1; If you ever meet a guy you like, nothing works more than talking to him. Be polite. Don't go too far too early. Again, take it from someone who had to learn the hard way.

Fact 2; Guys change with age. Testosterone kicks in, if you don't mind me saying. Just go with whatever your heart tells you. If he doesnt like you for you, thats his loss, not yours.

Just another random post from the thoughts of MWA!