A Blog of Random Thoughts

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hey Peeps

So, I haven't written since like the summer. I am having problems with this site because I can't figure out how to locate my blog traffic on the dashboard or if it even records it. I might switch to wordpress.com, and just upload all of my previous posts there and continue on that site, but I am not sure yet. I will let you know.
But before I go, some news! I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 today with my friend. BEST MOVIE EVER if you don't see it you are not a true fan of mine.
And then again, some more news! Between this post and the last one I traveled to Hawaii. We stayed in the Grand Wailea and it was the most awesome vay-cay in the history of awesome vay-cays! So, yeah, I know you are jealous. Don't even try and hide it.
So Halloween was great, only like 2 kids came to our house so we have a ton of candy that has mysteriously disappeared...
Yup and I am traveling to a secret place on Wednesday. Oh, and for Thanksgiving, I have a friend who's birthday is Thursday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only know one person with that birthday, so, you know who you are...

K bi


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is Jennette McCurdy the next Taylor Swift?

Sorry, so I haven't posted in a while because I have been so busy with summer and all of that fun stuff. But I have one little quick announcement.
So, Jennette McCurdy. She is the co star of, according to some celebrity magazine I was reading the other day, the 5th most popular teen show, ICarly. Jennette plays the corky, sneaky, disobedient friend of Miranda Cosgrove's character Carly Shay and Nathan Kress' character Freddie Benson, Sam Puckitt. Even though she can do very unessassary things that get her and her friends into a lot of trouble sometimes, Sam can be a really good friend.
When Jennette got this part, it wasn't the first time she had been seen on television. She was a guest star in one or two shows before ICarly was released, but now she is a super star. When she started to sing songs, this only helped her reputation as a Hollywood girl. I was recently listening to some of her songs and looking at some recent pictures of her, and I was astounded to find her very, VERY grown up country voice when she sung her very powerful and mature songs. It reminds me SO much of Taylor Swift. That's a compliment, by the way. ;)
Also, her curly blonde hair resembles the golden locks of Taylor, and her style is very similar. I'm just saying they sound a lot alike and I'm wondering if Jennette may become the new amazingly gorgeous blonde in-depth country singer Taylor Swift has shown us to be. That's all.
(oh, and i also learn that jennette is friken 18 YEARS OLD. she looks wayyyyyyyyyyyy younger than that. just saying)
Dont agree? Have questions? COMMENT

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pop Stars of the Late

So, you have all heard of all the new pop stars that everyone is "supposedly" obsessed with, right? Like how Justin Bieber had to cancel his concert in Australia because the screaming girls were fighting the police and they got concerned for everyone's saftey- this is the sad, sad truth about being a pop star and having your life laid out for you. I know the american dream is to be the one you see on TV when you flip through the channels, hearing your song on the radio as you drive. But being the star of everything doesn't come without a price. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING- is free in this messed up world. You don't get to be a normal person. You can't just simply walk to 7/11 to get a Slurpee with your girls or skateboard with the guys in the park. No one will ever leave you alone. You start to envy the people you see walking down the street because they have something that you don't. Pop stars have their humanity taken away from them. Once in, there is no way out. You basically have your life laid out for you at such a young age and if you decide maybe that you want to go back to being a business major or maybe finish college, you can't. If your childhood dream was to go to Prinston, you can't. The world is a dangerous place for you. You can never have any relationships without them being a secret (they cut the kissing scene out of Justin Bieber's Baby music video because they thought it wouldn't get as much publicity cuz girl fans would get jealous). You can't ever lead a normal life again. How sad is that?
So yeah that's what I have to say about pop stars. I, on the other hand, will settle for being a successful writer in a paris cafe (and also a graphic designer thatd be fun too). But the truth is I don't know yet. I don't know what I want to be. And neither, really, do the people who become international stars at a ridiculously young age. The only difference: I actually have a choice.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I have a few things to say

They are both about movies I have seen.
One: Last night I saw Steve Carell's new animated movie Dispicable Me. It was cute and well done. My brother was laughing in litterally the first five seconds of the movie. It is a very childish movie, but it was really good. I enjoyed it.
Two: ECLIPSE WAS EPIC!!!!!!!! So good! The best Twilight Saga movie yet! It is full of suspence and is definitely a must-see!!!
Yup, that's all I have to say! Oh wait no that isn't one more thing:
If you are the kind of person that reads a book and then goes to see the movie, you 99% of the time end up with disappointment and you never really like the movie at all. So here is my strategy. Instead of critizing the movie on how it was SO not like the book and being annoying and picking out all the flaws, SEE THE MOVIE AND THEN READ THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!! So you can say the book was much better instead of saying the movie sucked. And also you actually feel suspense in the movie and don't pay attention to all the little tiny wrong details about it!!! My theory is pretty much flawless. Try it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

You asked for it, you got it. Altho you might be surprised by what you got. :)

So one of you contacted me saying you wanted to hear my opinion on politics of the late. Well I have a few things to say about that matter.
Second: A lot of political leaders out there think they are so smart and they can handle anything because after all it is their job and they think they are so much smarter than people who don't land the job but here is the bottom line: Most of the time they don't know what they heck they are talking about. Like the BP oil spill? Who said they had it under control? BP and the government. Who hasn't fixed it, basically slaughtered thousands of fishing and boating jobs in the gulf, and thinks that its possible to shoot a plug into a tiny target from the surface that is miles beneath the sea? BP and the government. I rest my case.
And Third: Political figures may be vital to keep the world from chaos, but the truth is that they only rule so much of your life. It doesn't really matter what they say; if you don't agree with it, you have a right to speak out about it. That's why so many people from different countries come to the USA to protest on the streets because they are smart and they know that privilege can't be taken away from them in America. Like once I was driving by the supermarket and dozens of asian people silently protested on the streets because THEY KNEW THEY COULD. Also, lately I have been seeing Iran people holding flags and signs in the downtown area, and people know that by the law no one can stop them from doing it. Even if the political leaders were standing right there watching them, they know the ruler is powerless. America is just another great opportunity for people to express what they feel. And guys, just give politics a rest. You make mistakes sometimes; there is nothing wrong with that. I make mistakes WAY more often than most of you. Sometimes the consequences are large. But never regret anything you do in your life.
After all; we're only human. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Hey everyone! Once again, this is Brynne, with my totally awesome and extremely wacky blog that hypnotized you to take a peek because of my super-duper awesomeness (LOL). I need to say something really fast.
If you have ANY information on acting coaches, agents, or acting auditions of any sort, please contact me by commenting with the provided information. Thank you for your business.

A Few Random Comments

Hey yall! I haven't posted in a while because I haven't really had much to say. But I have a few blog and sites you might be interested in checking out:

www.QuizYourFriends.com: It's a site where you get to make your own quiz about anything you want in the whole world and then send it to any of your friends via email. It's pretty cool and catchy.

www.potatoninja.wordpress.com: Are giraffes ninja's in disguise? Find out at this very interesting blog

Also...I would love you forever (meaning you would be my favorite veiwer even if I don't know you) if you went to www.downtownbellevue.com and on the left side there is a quiz about your favorite pizza place. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE click Topolino's. It really means a lot. ;-)